Monday, September 15, 2008

Moaning On Monday

Well the weekend went pretty well, I have decided to be a co-leader for my daughter's girl scout troop. This is our first year with scouts. I was a girl scout when I was growing up and know what a wonderful experience it was for me. I want that for both of my girls. I just hope that I can manage to make it through and do all that is needed of me. The troop leader is well aware of my limitations and was still glad to have me so I am very excited by the opportunity. As I have said in the past, I refuse to stop living due to the darn chronic back pain! We met this weekend and discussed setting up our Harvest Extravaganza Festival which will be a big fundraiser for our county service unit. I have some wonderful ideas for games and some things that we can auction at our silent auction. I will take pictures and post them here when we have it!

Today, I wake up congested and coughing my head off. My youngest had been battling allergies and some sinus issues over the weekend. I have really bad seasonal allergies and unless I watch myself I get bronchitis every year at this time of year. I have been able to fend it off when I take my MSM regularly but I have been slacking so I am paying for it.

For those who are not aware, MSM helps tremendously with joint pain. It also helps to improve the immune system for those who have allergies and chronic sinusitis or bronchitis. I can say when I was taking it every day I did not have anything more than occasional hay fever which is a vast improvement over what I have now!

So I am down on the couch typing for a few minutes while I can hold my head up and between blowing my poor nose and coughing until my head rings! Geez it seems like if it is not one thing it is something else with my poor body these days!

On the chronic back pain front, I am scheduled for my next injection on Wednesday. I will check in then afterwards to let you know how I fair.

Til then hope you are having a blessed, peaceful, and pain free day!

Image courtesy of


Lolly said...

My sister has lupus and has a lot of chronic pain. One day it may be in her feet and the next her hands. It goes throughout her body and she takes so many types of medications and has to be careful because she is allergic to so many!! I help her as much as I can-we go grocery shopping together every week. She just got herself a new puppy which has helped to ease her stress somewhat. Now if her kids would quit stressing her she might feel at least a little better.

Unknown said...

I can empathize with your sister's pain. I know that Lupus is a very taxing disease for anybody to deal with. Its so hard to treat! I really feel for her. I have my toy poodles here and they are my babies. They really do help to keep me going and are there for me when I cannot go!
I hope that your sister gets some relief soon