Friday, September 12, 2008


Well after a hard week and some down time with my back pain, I am feeling better now. I can tell that the sacroiliac joint injection is finally working as it should. My sciatic pain is much better. I still have the electric shock type pains in my hips from time to time but the extreme burning, searing, almost pulling type pain down my left leg is much better! I am so excited!
I am scheduled to have the third injection in this set on September 17th. I really hope by doing the set of three injections I will get a cumulative effect and will get some long term relief from this. Every day I can function without severe pain is a big blessing for me or for anyone who suffers from chronic pain.
So til next time! Acknowledge your blessings and be grateful for each and every one!
Image courtesty of shaman 1006 at

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