Friday, September 26, 2008

Update On My Crazy Week

I wanted to update everyone on the roller coaster I have been riding this week. I only started to feel better yesterday. It has been a real trial to me trying to wait out this last injection. I have really questioned myself and my judgement in not wanting to have any more invasive procedures done such as the SCS or the pain pump.
I am really getting sick and tired of the "band aid" fixes as I call them. It seems by the time they start working, its no time until they are wearing off. I am really tired of all the trial and error things that the pain management specialists want to "try and do" I am going to have to sit down and have a serious talk with my specialist about some long term solutions!
Even though I had relief from my back pain yesterday, I ended up with a stomach virus so I spent most of my day praying to the porcelain throne! If it is not one thing, I swear it is something else these days! It SUCKS to be me sometimes!
Today I am weak but not having to hug the throne at least. My pain is manageable. I had to keep my meds at a minimum yesterday so I could function. I hope by tomorrow I will start to get my energy back!

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